Request an FX Rate Comparison

Request an FX Rate Comparison

Request an FX Rate Comparison

Using banks or exchange houses for cross-border payments? Find out how much you can save with Hubpay.

Using banks or exchange houses for cross-border payments? Find out how much you can save with Hubpay.

Stop overpaying on corporate foreign exchange and save on hidden fees. With over $2.2 billion in global trade and deep knowledge of the UAE market, we identify savings to be made in your FX transactions often missed by banks.

Stop overpaying on corporate foreign exchange and save on hidden fees. With over $2.2 billion in global trade and deep knowledge of the UAE market, we identify savings to be made in your FX transactions often missed by banks.

Get a free, no-obligation FX rate comparison! Fill out the form and find out how much your business could be saving.

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Get a free consultation today - Discover the alternative to expensive, inefficient solutions

Get a free consultation today - Discover the alternative to expensive, inefficient solutions

Are slow processes and high rates costing your business?

Are slow processes and high rates costing your business?

Dealing with banks and exchange houses can be a constant struggle for UAE businesses. Payment delays, inflated rates, and inefficient processes not only disrupt your cash flow but also waste valuable time. It’s time to expect more from your financial partners. Speak to one of our consultants to get a free appraisal on your international payments.

Dealing with banks and exchange houses can be a constant struggle for UAE businesses. Payment delays, inflated rates, and inefficient processes not only disrupt your cash flow but also waste valuable time. It’s time to expect more from your financial partners. Speak to one of our consultants to get a free appraisal on your international payments.

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Meet Hubpay: UAE’s leading FX innovator for UAE businesses

Meet Hubpay: UAE’s leading FX innovator for UAE businesses

Streamlined, efficient, and local – everything you need in a corporate FX partner.

Streamlined, efficient, and local – everything you need in a corporate FX partner.

With our UAE-based team and a platform designed for fast, seamless transactions, you’ll benefit from better rates of exchange, faster payments and exceptional customer service. From fast onboarding within 24 hours to dedicated account managers who understand your market, Hubpay is here to elevate your business’s financial operations.

With our UAE-based team and a platform designed for fast, seamless transactions, you’ll benefit from better rates of exchange, faster payments and exceptional customer service. From fast onboarding within 24 hours to dedicated account managers who understand your market, Hubpay is here to elevate your business’s financial operations.

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Transfer anywhere!

Transfer anywhere!

Transfer anywhere!

Pay suppliers, partners & employees in 85+ countries

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Why choose Hubpay?

Why choose Hubpay?

Cut costs, save time, and secure your transactions with Hubpay.

Trusted & Regulated

Licensed under ADGM, and audited by Grant Thornton, ensuring the same level of trust you’d expect from a bank.

Better FX Rates

Enjoy competitive exchange rates tailored for high-volume transactions.

Local Expertise

Unlike competitors with overseas teams, Hubpay’s headquarters in the UAE ensures that we understand and cater to the nuances of your market.

Streamlined & Efficient

Open an account in less than 24 hours with our streamlined onboarding process.

Multi-Currency Support

We offer FX services across 550 currency pairs, giving you the flexibility to transact globally with ease.

Dedicated Account Management

Get personalized service from account managers who speak your language and understand your business.

Advanced Currency Management

Purchase and hold currency in advance to hedge against market fluctuations.

African Market Integration

Seamlessly connect with African markets through our virtual accounts and currency collection capabilities in key trading countries.

The team behind Hubpay: innovators in cross boarder payments

The team behind Hubpay: innovators in cross boarder payments

The team behind Hubpay: innovators in cross boarder payments

Led by industry experts, driving change in the world of corporate FX.

Hubpay, headquartered in the UAE, is rapidly transforming cross border payments. Under the leadership of CEO Kevin Kilty, our diverse team from over 20 nationalities is dedicated to simplifying global transactions for businesses.

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Ready for better service and rates?

Ready for better service and rates?

Don't let high rates and slow service drain your resources. Unlock the potential savings hidden in your current FX strategy.

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